If your business has an emergency, you’re not alone. MIBA provides emergency assistance if there’s an interruption in your operations due to a natural disaster such as a storm, flooding or fire or if there is a technological or man-made hazard such as an industrial accident or large-scale interruption in your communication system.


MIBA can reduce the vulnerability and increase the resiliency of your business before disaster strikes by assisting you in developing a continuity plan, connecting you with disaster response training for owners and management, disseminating critical information through emergency alerts and assisting in the installation of “back-up systems” – from generators and solar installation to emergency supplies and cloud computing. 

After a disaster, we can help your business get back on its feet.  MIBA can provide information about rebuilding – from accessing emergency loans and grants, tax relief, space and supplies to increasing business activity, receiving legal and insurance claim assistance and navigating government agencies and utilities. If you have an emergency, call 911. Then call us.